Sunday, January 31, 2021


विमा ऐन, २०४९

लालमोहर र प्रकाशन मिति २०४९।९।२

संशोधन गर्ने ऐन

१. विमा (पहिलो संशोधन) ऐन,२०५२               २०५२।९।२०

२. विमा (दोस्रो संशोधन) ऐन,२०५८                 २०५८।१०।१०

प्रमाणीकरण र प्रकाशन मिति

३. लैङ्गिक समानता कायम गर्न केही नेपाल ऐन संशोधन गर्ने ऐन, २०६३              २०६३।७।१७

४. गणतन्त्र सुदृढीकरण तथा केही नेपाल कानुन संशोधन गर्ने ऐन, २०६६               २०६६।१०।७

५. लैङ्गिक समानता कायम गर्न तथा लैङ्गिक हिंसा अन्त्य गर्न केही नेपाल ऐनलाई संशोधन गर्ने ऐन, २०७२       २०७२।६।१४

६. केही नेपाल ऐन संशोधन गर्ने ऐन, २०७२               २०७२।११।१३

२०४९ सालको ऐन नं. ४२

विमा व्यवसायलाई व्यवस्थित तथा नियमित गर्न बनेको ऐन

प्रस्तावना : विमा व्यवसायलाई व्यवस्थित, नियमित, विकसित तथा नियन्त्रित गर्नको लागि विमा समितिकोस्थापना गर्न वान्छनीय भएकोले,

श्री ५ महाराजाधिराज वीरेन्द्र वीर विक्रम शाहदेवको शासनकालको एक्काइसौं वर्षमा संसदले यो ऐन बनाएको छ ।

परिच्छेद १ प्रारम्भिक

१. संक्षिप्त नाम र प्रारम्भः (१) यस ऐनको नाम विमा ऐन, २०४९रहेको छ ।

(२) यो ऐन नेपाल सरकारले नेपाल राजपत्रमा सूचना प्रकाशित गरी तोकेको मितिदेखि प्रारम्भ हुनेछ ।

२. परिभाषाः विषय वा प्रसंगले अर्को अर्थ नलागेमा यस ऐनमाः

(क) ‘‘समिति’’ भन्नाले दफा ३ बमोजिम गठन भएको विमा समिति सम्झनु पर्छ ।

(ख) ‘‘अध्यक्ष’’ भन्नाले समितिको अध्यक्ष सम्झनु पर्छ ।

(ग) ‘‘सदस्य’’ भन्नाले समितिको सदस्य सम्झनु पर्छ र सो शव्दले समितिको अध्यक्षलाई समेत जनाउंछ ।

(घ) ‘‘बीमक’’ भन्नाले दफा १० बमोजिम दर्ता भएको संगठित संस्था सम्झनु पर्छ र सो शव्दले पुनर्बीमकलाई समेत जनाउँछ ।

(ङ) ‘‘विमा व्यवसाय’’ भन्नाले जीवन विमा व्यवसाय वा निर्जीवन विमा व्यवसाय संझनु पर्छ र सो शव्दले पुनर्बीमालाई समेत जनाउँछ ।

(च) जीवन विमा व्यवसाय भन्नाले कुनै व्यक्तिको जीवन संबन्धमा निजको आयुको आधारमा किस्ताबन्दी बुझाउने गरी कुनै खास रकम तिरेमा निजले वा निजको मृत्यु भएको अवस्थामा निजको हकवालाले कुनै खास रकम पाउने गरी गरिने करार संबन्धी व्यवसाय संझनु पर्छ ।

(छ) ‘‘निर्जीवन विमा व्यवसाय’’ भन्नाले जीवन विमा व्यवसाय बाहेक अन्य विमा व्यवसाय सम्झनु पर्छ ।

(ज) ‘‘पुनर्बीमा व्यवसाय’’ भन्नाले बीमकले जोखिम धारण गर्ने अंश भन्दा बढी अंशको पुनः विमा गर्ने व्यवसाय सम्झनु पर्छ ।

(झ) ‘‘विमा लेख’’ भन्नाले विमाको करारनामा संबन्धी अधिकार तथा दायित्व उल्लेख भएको लिखत सम्झनु पर्छ ।

(ञ)     ‘‘विमांङ्की’’ भन्नाले विमा व्यवसायमा भएको दायित्वको निर्धारण तथा गणना गर्नको लागि बीमकद्वारा नियुक्त गरिएको तोकिए बमोजिमको योग्यता भएको व्यक्ति सम्झनु पर्छ ।

(ट) ‘‘बीमित’’ भन्नाले जीवन विमा तथा निर्जीवन विमा गराउने व्यक्ति वा संस्था सम्झनु पर्छ ।

(ठ) ‘‘विमा अभिकर्ता’’ भन्नाले बीमकको तलबी कर्मचारी नभई कमिशनको आधारमा बीमकको तर्पबाट काम गर्ने दफा ३० बमोजिम इजाजतपत्र प्राप्त व्यक्ति सम्झनु पर्छ ।

(ड) ‘‘सर्भेयर’’ भन्नाले क्षतिग्रस्त संपत्तिको आर्थिक मूल्यांकन गर्ने दफा ३०क बमोजिम इजाजत प्राप्त व्यक्ति सम्झनु पर्छ र सो शव्दले एडजस्टर र नोक्सानी मूल्यांकन गर्नेलाई समेत जनाउंछ ।

(ड१) ‘‘दलाल’’ भन्नाले विमा व्यवसाय संबन्धमा बीमक बीमक बीच माध्यमको रुपमा काम गर्न दफा ३०ख बमोजिम इजाजतपत्र प्राप्त व्यक्ति सम्झनु पर्छ ।

(ढ) ‘‘लेखा परिक्षक’’ भन्नाले प्रचलित कानून बमोजिम लेखा परीक्षण गर्न प्रमाणपत्र प्राप्त लेखा परिक्षक सम्झनु पर्छ ।

(ण) ‘‘आर्थिक वर्ष’’ भन्नाले प्रत्येक वर्षको श्रावण महिनाको १ गतेदेखि आषाढ महिनाको मसान्तसम्मको अवधि सम्झनु पर्छ ।

(त) ‘‘तोकिएको’’ वा ‘‘तोकिए बमोजिम’’ भन्नाले यो ऐन वा यस ऐन अन्तर्गत बनेको नियम वा विनियममा तोकिएको वा तोकिए बमोजिम सम्झनु पर्छ ।

परिच्छेद २ समितिको गठन र व्यवस्था

३. समितिको गठनः (१) विमा व्यवसायलाई व्यवस्थित, नियमित, विकसित तथा नियन्त्रित गर्नको लागि विमा समितिको गठन

गरिनेछ ।

(२) उपदफा (१) बमोजिमको समितिमा देहायका सदस्यहरु रहने छन्ः

(क) नेपाल सरकारले नियुक्त गरेको वा तोकेको व्यक्ति अध्यक्ष

(ख) प्रतिनिधि, कानून, न्याय तथा संसदीय व्यवस्था मन्त्रालय सदस्य

(ग) प्रतिनिधि, अर्थ मन्त्रालयसदस्य

(घ) विमा व्यवसायमा विशेष ज्ञान भएका व्यक्तिहरु मध्येबाट  नेपाल सरकारले मनोनित गरेको एक जना व्यक्तिसदस्य

(ङ) बीमितहरु मध्येबाट नेपाल सरकारले मनोनीत गरेको एकजना व्यक्ति सदस्य

(३) समितिले तोकेको कुनै कर्मचारीले समितिको सचिवको काम गर्नेछ ।

(४) नेपाल सरकारले आवश्यक ठानेमा नेपाल राजपत्रमा सूचना प्रकाशित गरी समितिको सदस्यहरु हेरफेर गर्न सक्नेछ ।

(५) समितिले आवश्यक देखेमा कुनै स्वदेशी वा विदेशी विशेषज्ञलाई पर्यवेक्षकको रुपमा समितिको बैठकमा उपस्थित हुन आमन्त्रित गर्न सक्नेछ ।

(६) समितिका मनोनित सदस्यहरुको पदावधि चार वर्षको हुनेछ । पदावधि समाप्त भएपछि निजहरु दुई पटकसम्म पुनः मनोनित हुन सक्नेछन् ।

(७) समितिको प्रधान कार्यालय काठमाण्डौ उपत्यकामा रहनेछ ।

४. समिति स्वशासित संस्था हुनेः

(१) समिति अविच्छिन्न उत्तराधिकारवाला एक स्वशासित र संगठित संस्था हुनेछ ।

(२) समितिको काम कारवाहीको निमित्त आफ्नो एउटा छुटै छाप हुनेछ ।

(३) समितिले व्यक्ति सरह चलअचल संपत्ति प्राप्त गर्न, बेचबिखन गर्न वा अन्य किसिमले व्यवस्था गर्न सक्नेछ ।

(४) समितिले व्यक्ति सरह आफ्नो नामबाट नालिस उजूर गर्न र समिति उपर पनि सोहीनामबाट नालिस उजूर लाग्न सक्नेछ ।

५. समितिको बैठक र निर्णयः (१) समितिको बैठक अध्यक्षले तोकेको मिति, समय र स्थानमा बस्नेछ ।

(२) समितिको बैठक तीन महिनामा दुई पटकमा नघटाई वर्षको कम्तीमा आठ पटक बस्नेछ ।

(३) समितिको बैठकको अध्यक्षता अध्यक्षले गर्नेछ र निजको अनुपस्थितिमा सदस्यहरुले आपूमध्येबाट छानेको व्यक्तिले बैठकको अध्यक्षता गर्नेछ ।

(४) समितिको कुल सदस्य संख्याको पचास प्रतिशत सदस्यहरु उपस्थित भएमा समितिको बैठकको लागि गणपूरक संख्या पुगेको मानिनेछ ।

(५) समितिको बैठकमा बहुमतको राय मान्य हुनेछ र मत बराबर भएमा बैठकमा अध्यक्षता गर्ने व्यक्तिले निर्णयक मत दिन सक्नेछ ।

(६) समितिको निर्णय सचिवद्वारा प्रमाणित गरिनेछ ।

(७) समितिको बैठक सम्बन्धी अन्य कार्यविधि समिति आफैले निर्धारण गरे बमोजिम हुनेछ ।

४८. खारेजी र बचाउः (१) विमा ऐन, २०२५ खारेज गरिएको छ ।

(२) यो ऐन लागु हुनु अघि भए गरेका काम कारवाहीहरु यसै ऐन बमोजिम भए गरेका मानिने छन् ।

Saturday, January 23, 2021




(guthi गुथि in Nepalbhasa, guhī गुठी in Nepālī, etymologically from Sanskrit goṣṭhī गोष्ठी) is a social organization that is used to maintain the socio-economic order of Nepalese society[1] The guhī system has been in operation since the Licchavi era, with the first practice being recorded in scriptures on pillars erected at Changu Narayan temple, which in itself is regarded to be the oldest dated inscription of Nepal.[2] Currently, most of the guhīs are either defunct or a vestigial representation of what used to be the most powerful organized community of the Newars. However, some of these guhīs still exist with its own purpose, and their functions governed by the internal unwritten rules; often kept secret and revealed only to its members. During the course of time, the male family members (often the bloodline) of pre-existing members are handed out the responsibilities associated with the guhī. The "Guthi Bill", tabled in the Upper House of the Federal Parliament of Nepal in April 2019, was highly controversial and prompted a number of mass protests against the bill, especially in the Kathmandu Valley. Guthi came to being after the realisation of people of working together, ensuring their lives and working together for same objective. The member of Guthi are called Guthiyars. There are three type of guthi.

 (नेपालभाषामा गुठी गुठी, नेपाली भाषामा गुठी गुठी, व्युत्पत्ति अनुसार संस्कृत गोष्ठी गोष्ठी) नेपाली समाजको सामाजिक-आर्थिक सुव्यवस्था कायम राख्न प्रयोग गरिने सामाजिक संस्था हो [१] गुच्ची प्रणाली लिचावी युगदेखि नै सञ्चालनमा आएको छ। पहिलो अभ्यास चंगु नारायण मन्दिरमा निर्माण गरिएको स्तम्भहरूमा शास्त्रहरुमा रेकर्ड गरिएको छ जुन आफैंमा नेपालको सबैभन्दा पुरानो मिति लेखिएको शिलालेख हो। [२] हाल, अधिकांश गुवाहरू या त विच्छेद वा नेवारहरूको सबैभन्दा शक्तिशाली संगठित समुदायको रूपमा प्रयोग गरिएको आविष्कारक प्रतिनिधित्व हो। यद्यपि यी गुहाहरू अझै आफ्नै उद्देश्यसहित अवस्थित छन्, र तिनीहरूको कार्यहरू आन्तरिक अलिखित नियमहरू द्वारा संचालित; प्राय: गोप्य राखिएको थियो र यसको सदस्यहरूलाई मात्र देखा पर्‍यो। समयको क्रममा, पूर्व-अवस्थित सदस्यहरूको पुरुष परिवारका सदस्यहरू (प्राय: रक्तरेखा) लाई गुहासँग सम्बन्धित जिम्मेवारीहरू दिइन्छ। अप्रिल २०१ 2019 मा नेपालको संघीय संसदको माथिल्लो सदनमा प्रस्तुत गरिएको "गुठी विधेयक" अत्यन्त विवादास्पद थियो र विशेष गरी काठमाडौं उपत्यकामा यस विधेयकको बिरूद्ध धेरै जनआन्दोलनहरू उक्सायो। सँगै मिलेर काम गर्ने, आफ्नो जीवन सुनिश्चित गर्ने र एकै उद्देश्यका लागि सँगै काम गर्ने व्यक्तिको बोधपछि गुठी अस्तित्वमा आए। गुठीको सदस्यलाई गुथियर्स भनिन्छ। गुठी तीन प्रकारका हुन्छन्।

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Juristiction Of Criminal Law

 Juristiction Of Criminal Law

The term ‘jurisdiction’ 

refers to the power of States to subject persons or property to their laws, judicial institutions,enforcement capacity. 

"क्षेत्राधिकार" शब्दले राज्यको शक्ति, व्यक्ति वा सम्पत्तिलाई तिनीहरूको कानून, न्यायिक संस्था, वा कार्यान्वयन क्षमताको अधीनमा राख्दछ।

Types of jurisdiction

1) Territorial

यसले आफ्नो मुलुकको भौगोलिक सीमा क्षेत्र भित्र न्याय प्रशासन गर्ने राज्यको शक्ति र कानुनी क्षमतालाई जनाउँछ ।

2) Extra-territorial

यसले आफ्नो नागरिक द्धारा विदेशी भूमिमा गरेका अपराधका सम्बन्धमा राज्यले कारवाही र सजाय गर्न सक्ने शक्ति े कानुनी क्षमतालाई जनाउँछ ।

3) Personal 

कुनै पनि देशले आफ्ना नागरिकले विदेशमा गरेका अपराध उपर क्षेत्राधिकार ग्रहण गरी आवश्यक कानुनी कारवाहि गर्न सक्ने अधिकार ।

Nature.Funcations.Elements Of Criminal law

 The Nature of Criminal Law

To understand criminal law, it is necessary to distinguish criminal from civil law and to know the difference between substantive and procedural law.

Criminal law versus civil law

All law other than criminal law is known as civil law. It includes tort law (private wrongs and damages), property law, and contract law. Differences between criminal law and civil law are important because criminal proceedings are separate from civil actions. Table shows these differences.

Criminal law encompasses both substantive criminal law and criminal procedure. Substantive law defines proscribed behaviors and specifies penalties. Laws concerning murder, rape, and robbery are substantive in that they define unlawful acts. Procedural law consists of rules stating how the government proceeds against an individual accused of committing a crime. Trial by jury, the right to counsel, the right to appeal, and the right to face one's accusers are just a few examples of procedural law. Violations of these rights by the government are violations of due process. If the government violates procedural law, that violation can be grounds for appeal and for a reversal of a criminal conviction.

Functions of Criminal Law

Criminal law serves several purposes and benefits society in the following ways:

Maintaining order. Criminal law provides predictability, letting people know what to expect from others. Without criminal law, there would be chaos and uncertainty.

Resolving disputes. The law makes it possible to resolve conflicts and disputes between quarreling citizens. It provides a peaceful, orderly way to handle grievances.

Protecting individuals and property. Criminal law protects citizens from criminals who would inflict physical harm on others or take their worldly goods. Because of the importance of property in capitalist America, many criminal laws are intended to punish those who steal.

Providing for smooth functioning of society. Criminal law enables the government to collect taxes, control pollution, and accomplish other socially beneficial tasks.

Safeguarding civil liberties. Criminal law protects individual rights.

Legal Elements of a Crime

All crimes feature certain elements. Unless the government is able to prove the existence of these elements, it can't obtain a conviction in a court of law.

No crime without law

There can be no crime without law. If an act is to be prohibited, a legally authoritative body (such as Congress or a state legislature) must spell out in advance what behavior is banned. The U.S. Constitution forbids ex post facto laws, which declare certain acts to be illegal after the behavior occurs. The Constitution also requires that criminal laws be written in precise terms so that a citizen can determine what conduct is illegal.

No crime without a criminal act

In American criminal justice, the government punishes people for what they do rather than for what they think or say. The First Amendment protects an individual's freedom of thought and speech. The failure to act, however, can be a crime in situations in which an individual has a legal responsibility to do something. Tax laws and child‐neglect laws are two examples. Threatening to act and attempting a criminal act can both be criminal offenses. Similarly, conspiring to commit a crime is illegal. Conspiracy statutes criminalize taking steps to carry out a plan to commit a crime.

No crime without intent

Intent pertains to the state of mind or mental attitude with which a person does an act. A synonym for intent, mens rea, literally means “guilty mind”. The mental design or purpose to commit a crime is the essence of intent.

No crime without concurrence

For an act to be a crime, both the act and the intent must occur at the same time.

criminal law

 Criminal law

 is the body of law that relates to crime. It proscribes conduct perceived as threatening, harmful, or otherwise endangering to the property, health, safety, and moral welfare of people inclusive of one's self. Most criminal law is established by statute, which is to say that the laws are enacted by a legislature. Criminal law includes the punishment and rehabilitation of people who violate such laws.

Criminal law varies according to jurisdiction, and differs from civil law, where emphasis is more on dispute resolution and victim compensation, rather than on punishment or rehabilitation.

Criminal procedure is a formalized official activity that authenticates the fact of commission of a crime and authorizes punitive or rehabilitative treatment of the offender.

आपराधिक कानून कानूनको शरीर हो जुन अपराधसँग सम्बन्धित छ। यसले आचरणलाई धम्की, हानिकारक, वा अन्यथा सम्पत्ती, स्वास्थ्य, सुरक्षा, र आफैंको समावेशी व्यक्तिको नैतिक कल्याणको लागि जोखिमपूर्ण रहेको ठानेको छ। धेरै जसो आपराधिक कानून विधान द्वारा स्थापित छ, जो भन्न को लागी कानून एक विधायिका द्वारा लागू गरीएको छ। आपराधिक कानूनमा त्यस्तो कानून उल्ल vio्घन गर्ने व्यक्तिको दण्ड र पुन: स्थापना समावेश छ। आपराधिक कानून क्षेत्राधिकार अनुसार फरक हुन्छ, र नागरिक कानून भन्दा फरक छ, जहाँ विवाद समाधान र पीडित क्षतिपूर्तिमा बढी जोड दिइएको छ, सजाय वा पुनःस्थापना भन्दा। आपराधिक प्रक्रिया एक औपचारिक औपचारिक गतिविधि हो जुन कुनै अपराधको आयोगको तथ्यलाई प्रमाणित गर्छ र अपराधीलाई दण्डनीय वा पुनर्स्थापनात्मक उपचार प्रदान गर्दछ।

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

सम्पत्तिकको सिद्धान्त( Theories Of Property)



The term property is commonly used to define the objects which are owned. In other words, property denotes those thing

Kinds of Property

1 Corporeal

2 Incorporeal

सम्पत्तिकको सिद्धान्त( Theories Of Property)

heories of property -

    Jurists have differed in their views regarding the origin of the property. Many theories have been put forward to explain the origin of property and give justification.  The following are theories of property

(1) Natural law theory - प्राकृतिक कानुनको सिद्धान्त

            Grotius, Pufendorf, Locke and Blackstone are supporters of this Theory.  According to the natural law theory, Property is based on the principle of natural reason derived from the nature of things. According to Grotius, all things originally were without an owner and whosoever captured them or occupied them, became their owners. Locke says: "Every man has a property in his own person, he has right to preserve his property, that is, his life, liberty and estate."According to Pufendorf, originally, all things belonged to the people as a whole.

Criticism -

The natural law theory of property has been criticized by Sir Henry Maine and Bentham. According to them possession does not give rise to title nor the property is originated by the first occupation of on ownerless thing but it is a creation of law. He does not believe in the existence of property without the existence of the law.

 2) The labor theory/ positive theory (श्रम सिद्धान्त)

      The labor theory of property is also sometimes called as the positive theory. Spencer was propounder of the positive theory. According to this theory, a thing (res)  is the property of a person who produces it or brings it into existence.  However,  the labor theory has been criticized by Professor Laski key on the ground that labor does not produce the property, it is only a means to earn property. This theory has lost significance in modern times because it has been shown that there may be many situations when property can be acquired without labor, for example, property obtained by inheritance or under a will.

3) The Metaphysical theory

        The metaphysical theory was propounded by Kant and Hegel. According to Kant, "A thing is rightfully mine when I am so connected with it that anyone who uses it without my consent does me an injury." According to Hegel, "property is the objective manifestation of the personality of an individual. In other words property in an object on which person has liberty to direct his will."

        Kant observed that law of property does not merely seek to protect possession where there is an actual physical relation between the possessor and the object, but it goes beyond and considers the personal will of the individual more important in the concept of the property.

       This theory has been criticized on the ground that it is a little concerned with realities and is based on theoretical assumptions.

 4) The historical theory -  ऐतिहासिक सिद्धान्त

     The propounder of historical theory is Bentham.  Henry Maine was the main supporter of the historical theory of the origin of property. According to the historical theory, private property had a slow and steady growth. It has grown out of the collective group or joint property. There were many stages in the growth of individual property. The first stage was that of natural possession which existed independently of the law or state.  The second stage was juristic possession and the last stage of development was that of ownership.

 5 The psychological theory मनोवैज्ञानिक सिद्धान्त

   The propounder of this theory is Bentham.. According to this theory, property came into existence on account of acquisitive tendency of human beings.Every individual desires to own things and that brings into existance property.  Bentham pointed out that property is altogether a conception of mind. There is no image,  no visible lineament which can portray the relation that constitutes property. It belongs not to Physics but to metaphysics.

6 The sociological theory - 

       The sociological theory was propounded by Duiguit, Laski, Karl Marx. According to the Sociological Theory, property should not be considered in terms of private rights but should be considered in terms of social functions. Property is an institution which secures a maximum of interest and satisfies the maximum of wants.
     According to Laski, "property is a social fact like any other and it is the character of social facts to alter. It has assumed the most varied aspects and it is capable of yet further changes.
     According to Jenks, " The unrestricted right to use,  neglect or misuse his property can no longer be granted to any individual and the right of property should be made comfortable to rules of equity and reason."

7 The theory that property is the creation of the stateराज्यले सृष्टि गरेको सिद्धान्त

       According to this theory;  the origin of property is to be traced back to the origin of law and the state. The supporter of this theory observed that property and law born together and would die together.  In other words, the property came into existence when the laws were framed by the state.
 Rousseau is the main supporter of this theory. He asserted that property was the creation of the state.

1 श्रम सिद्धान्त

२ दार्शनिक सिद्धान्त

३ ऐतिहासिक सिद्धान्त

४ राज्यले सृष्टि गरेको सिद्धान्त

५ मनोवैज्ञानिक सिद्धान्त

६ प्राकृतिक कानुनको सिद्धान्त

७ क्रियात्मक सिद्धान्त

८ ह्रासको सिद्धान्त

वंश, वंशाणु र क्रम विकास

    वंश , वंशाणु र क्रम विकास   क्रम विकास: पृथ्वीमा रहेका विभिन्न जीवहरू यही रूपमा उत्पत्ति भएका होइनन , यी जीवको विकास एकैपटक नभई ...